SERVICES INCLUDE: Sewing machine repair and service
Sewing machine parts (if available)
Machines for sale (no new plastic ones though)
Featherweight repair and maintenance classes
Lectures by request
Antique quilt bed turnings
Quilts for sale
Long arm quilting service
Johnny Johnston
The Old Sewing Machine Man
WEB SITE: www.theoldsewingmachineman.net
Presents the Following Class for FEATHERWEIGHT LOVERS
THIS IS A HANDS ON CLASS for the Original Featherweight
A brief History of the featherweight.
How to get the most from your Featherweight.
Common featherweight problems and how to resolve them.
Doing your own maintenance. This is hands on and you will service your machine. Bring everything you have to maintain your 221.
What are all those attachments for?
What new attachments are there for my featherweight?
Questions & answers
What you need to bring to class
Your personal featherweight and everything you have for it. ( book, accessory feet, motor lube, cleaning brush, screw driver, bobbins, needles, case, power & foot control cords, thread and cloth)
The oiler you use, (if you have one)
A flashlight
An old towel or cloth to set your machine and items on. (We don’t want to get the tables covered in oil and dirt.)
A piece of batting about 8” square.
A magnifying glass if you feel the need to help you see small things.
A couple of rags.
For those that need items I will try to have the required items available for purchase
See posted classes on my calendar page on my web site
See posted classes on my calendar page on my web site
10:00am to 12:00pm break for lunch1:00 pm -3:00pm Estimated
Class Size is limited so sign up early
Contact Johnny or Debbie at 352-867-8035 for more info.